Thursday, April 25, 2019

Dog Digging: How to Stop a Dog From Digging

dog digging: how to stop a dog from digging

Hey it's Brian Paul aka fern from make dogs your life and make dogs your life calm in this quick articel I want to write about stop dog digging in the yard a common problem that a lot of dog owners are plagued with and that is digging dogs digging in your yard so we know they're digging the question is why are they digging well there really is just three reasons that a dog is actually you know trying to dig holes to China in your backyard number one is boredom they are bored out of their mind if you just let your dog out into the yard and expect him to run around like crazy you are kidding yourself if there's nothing engaging for them to do they will find something engaging and what they think is fun it may not be the same thing that you think is fun number two is lack of exercise dogs have energy lots of it and if they don't get rid of that energy they are going to use it either they're going to expel it basically and get rid of it and I'm going to do that either constructively or destructively and if you don't provide the constructive outlets they will find a destructive outlet and digging holes in your garden is a great outlet lastly lack of supervision you got to see these dogs doing this and correct them if you want to actually make a difference here.

How to Stop a Dog From Digging up the Yard?

So if we can't supervise if we can't see the dog doing the Troublesome behavior we cannot correct them and tell them what's bad or what's good you got to be there all right we know that's what they're doing how do we fix it let's talk some treatment number one how about supervising my rule is eyes on the dog you know like I said you've got to see it to be able to correct it and we have to teach them how to live in our world they're going to make it up as a dog we need to teach them how to be a dog but living in the human world which kind of includes not digging holes in the yard next up the all-important exercise exercise your dog more remember a tired dog is a good dog if your dog is tired he's got no energy to dig up your backyard coming up next how about giving them some fun something exciting to do in the yard don't just leave it up to him let's put some fun stuff out there you know leave some special toys or some some bones or something around the yard that he can find and play with instead of just hoping.

He's going to figure out something to do on his own one of the things I like to do is just take a handful of his food and just throw it in the backyard let him look for it let ihm little nibble on it let him have some snacks out there keep him engaged lastly we know he likes to dig why don't we let him dig Oh can you believe it I said let him dig not in your garden but why don't we make an appropriate spot for him to dig pick a corner of your yard make a little pit a digging pit where you can leave a loose dirt or how about some sand you can buy at Home Depot very inexpensively and then bury some cool stuff in there some stuff he's gonna wanna dig up and really enjoy you know when a Kong is a great thing to do you could put toys and bones but really encourage him so that when he goes in that backyard that's the spot to go and if you do these things you're gonna have a happy healthy dog and happy healthy lawn so that's it for digging I hope you've enjoyed this articel about how to stop a dog from digging do me a favor if you have leave me a comment below hit the like button give me your feedback I love it and as always if you are interested in a career as a dog trainer I would love to help you out go check out make dogs your life calm for more information.

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