Wednesday, May 15, 2019

How To Stop A Puppy From Biting

how to stop a puppy from biting

So you have a puppy that likes to bite?

The good news is that biting is a natural thing for a puppy, your puppy
It is not to be vicious or aggressive. In this article you will learn how to stop your dog from biting. Most young puppies live this bite or pinch
Phase like the dentition.

How to prevent a puppy from biting

It is very sweet when very young puppies start to urinate or bite a finger, but how
They get older and can become a real problem. That's why it's important to go
her puppy knows that biting is unacceptable from the beginning. It is much easier
to avoid puppy bite problems, rather than re-training the puppies that have already pinched.

This is important before you use certain methods to prevent your puppy from biting
To consider these principles:

  • Never beat or hit your puppy in the face. It does not work Your puppy will only think that you are playing brutally or that it will scare you. He could have much bigger problems than biting a puppy.
  • The general rule to end the pinch problem is to promote acceptable behavior and always prevent unacceptable behavior.
  • Never play war or fight games with a puppy that bites. This will only encourage you more.
  • If he does not show his puppy that he is not allowed to bite, he will not know he is doing something wrong. Do not wait until your puppy knows!
  • Regardless of the method chosen to correct the problem of biting your puppy, the rule of thumb is to be consistent! You and all other people who come in contact with your puppy must set the law every time your puppy has a problem.

Prevent your puppy from biting - proven techniques

  1. If the bite problem is detected early, it can be very easy to solve. Just try to reroute the bite of your fingers on a toy or chew a bone. This method is usually all you need if you have a very young puppy. Once your puppy starts biting, just say no! and replace your fingers with a chew toy.
  2. My next favorite method is to make your dog believe he'll hurt you every time he gets a pinch. This method really reproduces how dogs classify this bite with each other. If they bite and pinch, it only stops when a puppy screams. In this natural way, dogs can learn by doing without ouch. Or stop it! when your puppy starts biting. So as soon as you let out the ouch! Go away and stop playing with your dog for a while. Your puppy will soon receive the message that his playmate (you) disappears when he begins to bite.
  3. In case of a bite, as soon as your puppy looks at your finger, say no! and quickly place your thumb in your mouth under your tongue and your other fingers under your chin. Hold it there for about 10 seconds (not too tight), your puppy will feel unwell and he will not be able to bite him.
  4. Even if your puppy has a serious bite problem, you can try this technique. Put on a pair of gloves and put on an unpleasant taste substance (something your dog does not like). Your dog will soon learn that he will not be tasty if he bites you! This method always leads to a negative association if your dog wants to bite you. Some dogs are smart enough to realize that you can run your fangs if you strip your gloves tastelessly!
  5. If you have a bigger puppy (4-5 months) who bites, you can use this safe shooting technique. Give your puppy a throttle or a clamped collar and every time you bite it, the driver will get a quick tip. It will still be an unpleasant connection for your dog if he bites you. It will not be long before you stop.

Some other methods that have recommended me, but I have never tried it:

  • Water your puppy every time he bites.
  • Fill an empty box with stones or coins. Every time your puppy starts to bite, say no! and shake the can. He will hate the noise.

Visit my blog, where you'll find this lesson on how to train your dog to stop biting. You'll see some examples of things you can do today, right now, to teach this potentially life-saving skill to your dog.


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