Wednesday, May 1, 2019

How to Stop Your Puppy From Jumping On Everybody

how to stop your puppy from jumping on everybody

Here are some tips to keep your puppy from jumping onto your couch or everyone.

1: The sofa is a forbidden zone.

Never put your puppy on the couch for a minute, as this can send a wrong message. It is also important to make sure that all family members or friends do not invite your puppy to the couch. If one person leaves her puppy on the couch and another does not allow it, he will confuse the puppy.

2: correct your puppy when he jumps on the couch

If you catch your puppy, correct it. Tell your puppy "No" or "Off" as soon as you jump onto the couch. Lift your puppy off the couch and place it on the floor. Once your puppy is on the ground, reward him with a dog toy. Make sure you use the same command each time so that your puppy understands what you want to say. Always take your puppy on the couch, because if he jumps off the couch, he can hurt himself.

3: Provide comfortable alternatives for your puppy.

Give your puppy good alternatives to sleep and relax. Set up comfortable dog beds in areas of the house where your puppy could jump onto a couch. Show and direct your puppy's comfortable bed after correcting his bounce on the couch.

4: Reward good behavior.

If your dog goes straight to bed, reward or praise your puppy for his good behavior. Leave the toy on the bed and / or a scented t-shirt to make your puppy feel comfortable and happy in bed. Place your puppy's favorite bone near the bed so he is busy chewing it while he is resting.

5: Make the couch out of bounds when you're gone

To be consistent, it is important that the couch is not accessible, even if you are not at home. If your puppy is caged, put him in the cage if you are not. You can also place your puppy in a room that does not have access to a couch, or put a baby door around your sleeping area, so your puppy can not even try to jump onto the couch. Your puppy needs to know that the couch is prohibited even when you are away from home.

With patience, training and constant behavior, your puppy can learn not to jump on the couch.

Not so long ago, our Sonic Chessie / Golden Mix, Sonagh, entered a state of utter apoplexy with the arrival of the guests. She would be crazy. , , to the point where I could not open the door. Well, I can tell you today that my two dogs are still sitting and completely calm when someone comes to the door.

In this article you will learn what you need to do to prevent your dog from jumping on anyone who enters your house.

And that's the good news: your problem can be solved because dogs are very easy to train. This behavior should only be changed in a reasonable way in the house.

The first thing you want to do if you do not have one is to make your dog a nice guide. You can find one at your vet or at a pet shop.

This is how training begins: Before the company arrives, bring your dog along for half an hour to make sure he stays on the heels all the time. You want to be responsible for the walk, not your dog. Do not feel and explore this journey. That's two things.

1 - Exhaust your dog's energy.

2 - Establish your leadership.

When the company arrives, pick a place that you want to define as your dog's "place of companionship". This can be 4 to 5 meters behind the main door. Then ask your dog to leash your Gentle Leader. Then place it in a sitting position and stay so that your dog can not have his head above normal.

Praise them for sitting and treat them ONLY when invited. Try dried liver chips - disgusting for us, but sweets for dogs. Now ask another person to answer the door while you continue to manage your dog. Focus on treats, you sitting / staying and your praise.

You may even want to develop a command for this activity. If you give your dog "company!" They will eventually link their "company location" and desired behavior with this order. I hope you found more information about how to stop dog jumping on you in this articel. In we're website many articel about training dog or puppy, you can check out for more information and if you know about that you can share with us and comment below.

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