Aggression is an emotion that can do serious harm to other people if it is not controlled. An aggressive dog can be very dangerous to the environment and to yourself.
The best way to solve this problem is to change the dog's energy. This can be achieved with techniques of emotional freedom and other methods of energy psychology.
In the first part of this series, you will learn about the causes of dog aggression and learn how to end aggressive behavior in the traditional way.
A certain aggressiveness in dogs is normal, here is the reason:
Dogs are beasts of burden and everyone has their own status in their group. Dogs live strictly hierarchically in their natural environment, with the alpha female and alpha male leading the pack. It's just the alpha pair that spawns the offspring. Therefore, there is a certain amount of competition between the males because each of them wants to be the best dog.
Domesticated dogs still need to know their place in the hierarchy and some want to increase their status to be more attractive to bitches. At the same time, they want other competitors to ensure that their genes are transmitted. This type of territorial aggression against other dogs can increase in a female dog.
If your dog has serious territorial aggression against other dogs, it may be due to too much testosterone. Therefore, many vets suggest that you have castrated your dog. In fact, it can reduce your aggressive behavior, provided it's caused by hormones.
Territorial aggression is also quite common in bitches. They want the other dog to have enough food for their puppies.
Although aggression in male dogs is often a means to show strength and strength, aggression between dogs has a background and a more serious purpose. A dog wants his competitor not to have enough food for his puppies, so a fight between sluts can be much more serious than a fight between two males.
Are there any other reasons why a dog is aggressive towards other dogs?
Another reason for aggression in dogs is the fear. Your dog may have had an uncomfortable, even traumatic experience with another dog and wants to make sure it does not happen again. For him the best way is a preventative blow against the other dog.
If you know that this is the case with your dog, you must protect it from other dogs' ambushes while protecting other dogs from being caught by you.
You can help your dog overcome his anxiety anxiety by meeting friendly and friendly dogs that he can meet and love.
Aggression learned when a puppy watches as his older friend attacks or threatens another dog. This is one of the dangers of choosing a second dog if your dog is aggressive. In the end, you may have duplicated your problem. In the herd, the aggressive behavior of the animals is contagious. Therefore, you have to get out the aggressive dog yourself so as not to give others the same bad behavior.
Aggressive behavior towards other dogs can be the result of improper training. This means that you can inadvertently train your dog for aggressive training, not only for other dogs but also for humans.
When your dog learns to be rewarded for acting, the aggressive behavior scenario is as follows:
- Your dog grunts or barks against another dog
- You speak to him in a gentle, gentle voice.
- Your dog understands this as a compliment and shows more behavior
- Over time, your dog has learned to be aggressive because it makes you feel rewarded.
- The goal is never to praise your dog for being aggressive unless you want to train him for aggressive training. Do not speak with a gentle, gentle voice, but say "NO" clearly, so you know that you do not want to behave like that.
Please do not punish your dog, as it connects the punishment with other dogs, which will only make matters worse.
If your dog is afraid when you meet another dog while walking, grab his head and pass the other dog vigorously. Do not pay attention to the barking and grunting of your dogs, pretend that it does not happen.
I hope you found more information about how stop dog aggression behavior in this articel. In we're website many articel about training dog or puppy, you can check out for more information and if you know about that you can share with us and comment below.
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