Saturday, August 21, 2021

Henderson neighborhood fed up with dog's barking


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Henderson neighborhood fed up with dog's barking

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Henderson neighborhood fed up with dog's barking, KTNV-TV, local news, 11pm, syndicate, las vegas, distributable, action news, channel 13, barking dog, dog, barking, neighbors, neighbors upset, 215 beltway, valle verde drive, henderson, gina lazara, my neighbors dog always barks at me, neighbors barking dog driving me crazy, neighbor's barking dogs, how to get the neighbors dog to shut up, how to get back at neighbors with barking dogs, recording neighbor's dog barking, barking dogs in the night, how to stop next doors dog barking

Henderson neighborhood fed up with dog's barking

Video Description: 

A Valley neighborhood is fed up with a dog that doesn't stop barking all hours of the night. They say it's been going on for a year now; 13 Action News reporter Gina Lazzara is lives near the 215 in Valle Verde and back of the home right now. Gina Stephen Tricia, these houses behind me are where the complaints are coming from, but this has to my left. This is where that noisy dog lives. It appears there are people home right now, but there's no sign of that dog.

This sharp mix has neighbors at their wit's end. It'S just constant, relentless, and outrageous that nobody is doing anything about it. That raspy bark mark fairy says it has been going on for a year. The dog never stops saying this is every night mark, and Michael are neighbors their homes back up to the barking dog's yard might not seem like a big deal, but that dog barks, and it just echoes through every house around here. It'S unbelievable; the frustrated men say: they've tried everything, we're a loss here as to why nothing is being done.

Related post: 10 Ways To Help Stop a Puppy Dog From Barking When Left Alone

They'Ve left notes on their neighbor's door, Hey look, you know, and you need to control your animal people sleeping. They have to work. They'Ve called police and animal control dozens of times. There's no way that whoever lives there is not aware of the issue, and now they've filed a formal complaint with a log of how often the dog barks. Like last night, I clocked in at 6 hours a street barking to make matters worse. The men say they cannot get a hold of their neighbors with the noisy dog, and neither can police we've even thought about squatters.

Henderson neighborhood fed up with dog's barking

You know that maybe that's why we cannot get ahold of anybody. These people are very mysterious. Well, I knocked on the door earlier, and they did not answer for me either. Henderson police tell me they've received a mark and Michael's formal complaint and that it's currently under review for possible prosecution by the City Attorney's Office, but that, however, could take a few weeks. They are reporting live tonight.

Gina Lazaro 13 Action News thanks, Gina

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Video Tags: 

Henderson neighborhood fed up with dog's barking, KTNV-TV, local news, 11pm, syndicate, las vegas, distributable, action news, channel 13, barking dog, dog, barking, neighbors, neighbors upset, 215 beltway, valle verde drive, henderson, gina lazara, my neighbors dog always barks at me, neighbors barking dog driving me crazy, neighbor's barking dogs, how to get the neighbors dog to shut up, how to get back at neighbors with barking dogs, recording neighbor's dog barking, barking dogs in the night, how to stop next doors dog barking

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