Showing posts with label dog aggressive towards other dogs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dog aggressive towards other dogs. Show all posts

Saturday, October 23, 2021

How To Stop Dog Aggression

How To Stop Dog Aggression

To stop dog aggression can be a frustrating endeavor when you're not sure where to begin. The following step-by-step tips should help.

Medical Check-up - It is not likely, however occasionally a dog aggression problem can be linked to the animal's overall health. If the dog seems at all sick, you need to take your pet to a veterinarian in order to eliminate the possibility of health related aggression.

Assume the Alpha Position - Often, aggression in dogs is their effort to control their "pack," (your family and other pets in the household). Even if the dog is not trying to assume the alpha position in your home, establishing a specific pack leader will make obedience and other training faster and easier for you both, which can also help stop dog aggression.

Change your Feeding Routine - For those who have other dogs, cats, or animals in their household, stopping dog aggression may be as simple as changing how you feed your pets. Many dogs become aggressive over the food dish. The best way to stop this type of behavior is to feed the aggressive dog in a different room from other pets.

Dog Obedience Training - Hand in hand with establishing yourself as the Alpha Dog and pack leader, dog obedience training is also a quick way to get your pooch respecting you as the boss and following your commands. Obedience training on its own is often enough to stop dog aggression.

Plenty of Healthy food and Exercise - Keep your doggy properly exercised and give them healthy, nourishing food. Although poor nutrition caused by giving your dog low quality dog food doesn't directly cause dog aggression, a deficiency of nutritional requirements can certainly aggravate it.