Sunday, November 7, 2021

How to Stop a Dog from Peeing In the House: How to Stop Your Dog From Pe...

How to Stop Your Dog From Peeing in the House

Tired of cleaning up your dog pee in the house...And waking up to find pee on the floor... On the ground... Maybe when people are over your dog just let loose everywhere...

Annoyed with spending time having to clean up the floor, vacuum.. Carpet maybe... I hope it's tile for your sake.. Well we've all had this problem with our dogs. It's a natural problem to have, and one that can be fixed quite quickly.

I highly recommend training your dog. If you haven't already given it a shot, it's your best bet. You can do it pretty quickly and effectively once you learn the proper techniques. I will have a link to the best resource I've found on training your dog towards the bottom of this article.

However, if training is not for you, there are some simple habits you should start enforcing.

1) Negative association. Make your dog smell it and know that it is wrong to do that.
2) Reward them when they pee properly and in the right place with a treat and love and care.
3) Make it a consistent time of the day when you take them to pee so they know what to expect (and know when to do it)

Problem: Most dogs pee in the house because their owners don't communicate with their dog! Stop confusing your puppy!
It's true, most times your dog's just do not know what you want. You have to learn how to communicate with your dog to stop them from doing the things you don't want them to do, like peeing.

Learn to train your dog quickly and effectively.. And get your best friend back! Stop cleaning up the floor and having a mess when you wake up.. Cause trust me.. Your dog doesn't want to disappoint you.. So why don't you help your dog act properly by teaching them properly?... Makes sense..

Whatever it is you do remember that your dog loves you and want to impress you and be your best friend.

If you want to learn more, please visit: ► ►

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