Tips To Successful Obedience Dog Training
New and old dog owners often forget one of the most important things to being a dog owner, obedience dog training. It's important to know that you can begin training at any time and with any dog of any age, so don't fret it's not too late to start your dogs training.
Why Obedience Dog Training Is Important:
An untrained pet is a hassle, stressful, and can be an overall pain to deal with. More often than not, owners who improperly train their dogs, or owners who do not train theme at all, end up dropping their dog off at the pound or giving it away. This is a sad end to what could have possibly been a wonderful and loving relationship.
Dog training allows dogs to learn the rules of the pack, it builds confidence with you and your pet, and it gives you the sense of security of knowing your dog is behaving well at home while you are not there. Obedience dog training sets firm boundaries with your dog, it builds self-esteem, and allows your dog to relax knowing that you will take care of it.
Puppies Can Learn Commands As Early As 3 Months:
Age of course is an important factor in training. Starting off early with a puppy is always the easiest but not always the case. If you've just brought home a puppy then you're ahead of the game. Of course the first thing your puppy should learn is potty training. Once you've built a strong foundation with potty training you can start teaching your puppy a few basic commands such as Sit, Stay, Come.
Your Older Dog Can Learn Commands Easily:
Many people believe in the old adage "You can't teach and old dog new tricks" but in reality it's just the opposite. Older dogs are just as capable of learning tricks and commands as puppies are. The key to obedience dog training is consistency and persistence. If you try for just one day to teach your dog to sit and then never attempt again, of course he will never learn how to sit!
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